Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day4: Minute Man Missile Site...and HOT weather!

Fawna Harris--Today was OK. We went to Minute Man Missile Site, then we went to look for sheep, which we saw several. We also went climbing. It was hot earlier, but eventually cooled down a little.

Emily Fite--- The MMMS was way cool! It was really neat to see how it worked and everything. The weather was so hot today though!!! I thought i was going to have a heat stroke or something haha so we went to the pool. Overall today was fantastic!!!

M Packard -- The MMMS waspretty cool. We got to go underground to the controllers capsule. and to the actual missile silo. Hearing about the circumstances from 1963 to 1993 when the 150 silos were open made us really contemplate the current situation with North Korea.
We drove tothe "Pinnacle Overlook" we sat and soaked in the beauty of the landscape and I enjoyed watching 9 baby big horn sheep play together...chasing each other and hopping around.

Aside from the heat and rain was pretty cool. The missile site was really educational and hit home with memories of the Cold War Era. The kids made a great dinner of spaghetti and I cooked a cobbler to finish the night out......Tomorrow we hike.
---Mr. Perez


  1. I have enjoyed reading and watching the progress of our trip. It is a fantastic area to visit. How was that Wall Drug? Thanks for posting and keeping us up to date on the trip!!
    Ann Elliott

  2. Mr. Perez, Ms. Packard, and students:

    I love reading your blog, great idea! The pictures are great. I hope all of you are having a marvelous time. Be careful, and have a safe trip home.

    E. Smith

  3. Hi Travelers - I so look forward to reading about your adventures. The pictures are great. I have never been to that part of the country. Think Mr. Perez would let me tag along next year:-) The long trip home is all worth it!!! Stay safe. Dawn McNay
